Gilbert White and his ContextsPanel and Roundtable Proposal Submission
We also welcome proposals for preformed panels of three speakers or roundtable discussions of up to five speakers on any aspect of Gilbert White's life, writing, and science, as well as his personal and intellectual contexts. Proposal submission remains open until Friday 4 April 2025.
We also welcome proposals for individual papers. Please follow the link below for the individual paper proposal form.
Standard preformed panels should include three 20-minute papers, Time and space at this conference are extremely limited, so please do not propose standard panels of four or more speakers. You may propose a roundtable discussion panel of (typically) four or five speakers, but please note that the purpose of a roundtable discussion is discussion. Participants may give an opening statement of 2-3 minutes, but a roundtable session is not an appropriate forum for 'mini-papers' of 5 minutes or more.
In the form below, please complete the information for the organiser of the panel, who will be the primary contact. In the 'panel description box' please give an outline of the panel as a whole in approximately 300-500 words, and then supply a name, institution (where appropriate), email address, and paper title for each speaker. (You do not need to supply paper titles for participants in a roundtable discussion panel.) You do not need to provide a separate abstract for each paper, nor do you need to include detailed references or a bibliography. Please include brief biographies of less than 100 words for each of the chair and speakers. Finally, use the 'Any Other Information' box to tell us about any access or other needs, and we will be in touch. Data projection will be available, so you don't need to ask for that!